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Formstack Trigger credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:


Create a Formstack account.

Supported authentication methods#

  • API access token
  • OAuth2

Refer to Formstack's API documentation for more information about the service.

Using API access token#

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • An API Access Token: To generate an Access Token, create a new application in Formstack using the following details:
    • Redirect URI: For cloud n8n instances, enter
      • For self-hosted n8n instances, enter the OAuth callback URL for your n8n instance in the format https://<n8n_url>/rest/oauth2-credential/callback. For example https://localhost:5678/rest/oauth2-credential/callback.
    • Platform: Select Website.

Once you've created the application, copy the access token either from the applications list or by selecting the application to view its details.

Refer to Formstack's API Authorization documentation for more detailed instructions.

Access token permissions

Formstack ties access tokens to a Formstack user. Access tokens follow Formstack (in-app) user permissions.

Using OAuth2#

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • A Client ID
  • A Client Secret

To generate both of these, create a new application in Formstack using the following details:

  • Redirect URI: Copy the OAuth Redirect URL from the n8n credential to enter here.
    • For self-hosted n8n instances, enter the OAuth callback URL for your n8n instance in the format https://<n8n_url>/rest/oauth2-credential/callback. For example https://localhost:5678/rest/oauth2-credential/callback.
  • Platform: Select Website.

Once you've created the application, select it from the applications list to view the Application Details. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret and add them to n8n. Once you've added both, select the Connect my account button to begin the OAuth2 flow and authorization process.

Refer to Formstack's API Authorization documentation for more detailed instructions.

Access token permissions

Formstack ties access tokens to a Formstack user. Access tokens follow Formstack (in-app) user permissions.